Title: Eulogy to My Spanish
Summary: My project is going to be an animated poem. The poem is going to be about my experiences and feelings about stopping the use of my native language, specifically why I stopped using it and how I feel years later about rejecting it. I am probably going to be using an Adobe program, though I am not sure if I will be using Adobe Animate, After Effects, or Photoshop. I want the aesthetic to be very simple and minimalist, focusing more on the words themselves and their movements than any background movement or anything too complicating and distracting.
Keywords: animated text, digital poetics
At the moment, I do not think I want to show my work Wednesday 12/12.
Details: My project is going to be an animated poem. I want to experiment with having more control of how fast a reader is reading the words and what I want them to focus more on and just their general experience with the text. The digital aspect of my work is that it is going to be animated on an Adobe program. My inspiration is Young Hae Chang Heavy industries because I like their minimalist yet effective approach to digital literature, as well as their narrative structure. I have experimented with Adobe Animate for this class, but my experiment did not have to do with this project in particular. I am hoping to be able to manipulate individual letters and words more than I did with my previous text animation experiment. The challenge is figuring out engaging ways to structure the work without it being too distracting. Before the next class I would like to have my poem written, then think about how exactly I would like to animate everything, then working on the animation itself throughout the duration of the next coming weeks.
Summary: My project is going to be an animated poem. The poem is going to be about my experiences and feelings about stopping the use of my native language, specifically why I stopped using it and how I feel years later about rejecting it. I am probably going to be using an Adobe program, though I am not sure if I will be using Adobe Animate, After Effects, or Photoshop. I want the aesthetic to be very simple and minimalist, focusing more on the words themselves and their movements than any background movement or anything too complicating and distracting.
Keywords: animated text, digital poetics
At the moment, I do not think I want to show my work Wednesday 12/12.
Details: My project is going to be an animated poem. I want to experiment with having more control of how fast a reader is reading the words and what I want them to focus more on and just their general experience with the text. The digital aspect of my work is that it is going to be animated on an Adobe program. My inspiration is Young Hae Chang Heavy industries because I like their minimalist yet effective approach to digital literature, as well as their narrative structure. I have experimented with Adobe Animate for this class, but my experiment did not have to do with this project in particular. I am hoping to be able to manipulate individual letters and words more than I did with my previous text animation experiment. The challenge is figuring out engaging ways to structure the work without it being too distracting. Before the next class I would like to have my poem written, then think about how exactly I would like to animate everything, then working on the animation itself throughout the duration of the next coming weeks.
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